Clinical Supervision
Clinical supervision provides a collaborative learning space, where you can critically reflect on your knowledge, skills and experience as it plays out in the context of the therapeutic relationship you are developing with each client. Clinical supervision is integral to ethical practice as well as developing a sense of independence in your professional role.
The Purpose
The purpose of clinical supervision is to develop and hone your skills as a clinician -technical knowledge, counselling skills and relational effectiveness - to ensure standards of clinical practice and care are maintained, as well as optimising your own wellbeing.
The Process
Clinical supervision provides a framework for the development and outworking of a professional development plan aligned with psychological competencies, development goals and agreed expectations for working together.
The Space
Creating a supervisory working space can be likened to how we might think of the rooms in a house – providing different spaces for different purposes and tasks, as well as the flexibility to move between spaces as needed.
The supervisory working space:
Connecting: are we the right fit?
Collaboration: identifying strengths & areas for development
Goal setting: linking your learning goals to psychological competencies
Preparation: organising, self-reflection & follow-up
Reflection: case review, theoretical orientation, assumptions & beliefs, relational dynamics, the wider system
Evaluating: observation, evaluation & feedback
Restorative: attending to wellbeing
Planning: recalibrating goals
What to expect:
An initial phone conversation to understand the kind of supervision you are seeking, followed by a one-on-one session, in person or via video-conferencing, to identify specific goals, options for scope of work and whether we are a good fit.
Number of sessions:
The frequency of sessions is determined by your requirements. We will review progress with you to ensure that your aims are being met and you are finding value.